List of Publications

Citation data and altmetrics for the publications below are available from my google scholar, DBLP or Researchgate profile.

Latest 10 Publications

  • Evaluating Sequential Recommendations in the Wild: A Case Study on Offline Accuracy, Click Rates, and Consumption. Klimashevskaia, A., Alvsvåg, S., Trattner, C., Starke, A., Tessem, A., and Jannach, D. Springer, ECIR, 2025. PDF
  • Supporting healthier food choices through AI-tailored advice: A research agenda. Starke, A., Dierkes, J., Arslan Lied, G., Kasangu, G. and Trattner, C. PEC Innovation, Elsevier. 2025. PDF
  • Empowering Editors: How Automated Recommendations Support Editorial Article Curation. Klimashevskaia, A., Elahi, M., Jannach, D., Trattner, C. & Buodd, S. INRA Workshop at ACM Recsys 2024, 2024. PDF
  • Negativity Sells? Using an LLM to Affectively Reframe News Articles in a Recommender System. Jeng, J., Kasangu, G., Starke, A., Knudsen, E. & Trattner, C. HealthRecsys Workshop at ACM Recsys 2024, 2024. PDF
  • Advancing Visual Food Attractiveness Predictions for Healthy Food Recommender Systems. El Majjodi, A., Khan, S., Starke, A., Elahi, M. & Trattner, C. INRA Workshop at ACM Recsys 2024, 2024. PDF
  • Examining the merits of feature-specific similarity functions in the news domain using human judgments. Starke, A., Solberg, V., Øverhaug, S. and Trattner, C. UMUAI, 2024. PDF
  • A Survey on Popularity Bias in Recommender Systems. Klimashevskaia, A., Jannach, D., Elahi, M. and Trattner, C. UMUAI, 2024. PDF
  • Shaping the Future of Content-based News Recommenders: Insights from Evaluating Feature-Specific Similarity Metrics. Rosnes, D. Starke, A. & Trattner, C. ACM UMAP 2024, 2024. PDF
  • Incorporating Editorial Feedback in the Evaluation of News Recommender Systems. Mahmood, B. Elahi, M., Touileb, S., Steskal, L. & Trattner, C. ACM UMAP 2024 LBR, 2024. PDF
  • Perception versus Reality: Evaluating User Awareness of Political Selective Exposure in News Recommender Systems. Starke, A., Sandvik, A., Knudsen, E., Trilling, D. & Trattner, C. ACM UMAP 2024 Workshops, 2024. PDF

International Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

  1. Supporting healthier food choices through AI-tailored advice: A research agenda. Starke, A., Dierkes, J., Arslan Lied, G., Kasangu, G. and Trattner, C. PEC Innovation, Elsevier. 2025. PDF
  2. Examining the merits of feature-specific similarity functions in the news domain using human judgments. Starke, A., Solberg, V., Øverhaug, S. and Trattner, C. UMUAI, 2024. PDF
  3. A Survey on Popularity Bias in Recommender Systems. Klimashevskaia, A., Jannach, D., Elahi, M. and Trattner, C. UMUAI, 2024. PDF
  4. Leveraging Professional Ethics for Responsible AI: Applying AI techniques to journalism. Diakopoulos, N., Trattner, C., Jannach, D., Costera Meijer, I. and Motta, E. Communcations of the ACM, 2024. PDF
  5. "Tell Me Why": Using Natural Language Justifications in a Recipe Recommender System to Support Healthier Food Choices. Starke, A. D., Cataldo, M., Rapp, A., Semeraro, G. & Trattner, C. UMUAI, 2023. PDF
  6. Understanding and predicting cross-cultural food preferences with online recipe images. Zhang, Q., Elsweiler, D. & Trattner, C. Information Processing & Management, 2023. PDF
  7. Healthiness and environmental impact of dinner recipes vary widely across developed countries. Angelsen, A., Starke, A. D. & Trattner, C. Nature Food, 2023. PDF
  8. Trustworthy journalism through AI. Opdahl, L. A., Tessem, B., Dang-Nguyen, D., Motta, E., Setty, V., Throndsen, E., Tverberg, A., Trattner, C. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2023. PDF
  9. Examining the User Evaluation of Multi-list Recommender Interfaces in the Context of Healthy Recipe Choices. Starke, A., Asotic, E., Trattner, C. Van Loo, E. ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems, 2023. PDF
  10. Visual User-Generated Content Verification in Journalism: An Overview. Khan, S. Sheiki, G., Opdahl, L. A., Rabbi, F., Stoppel, S., Trattner, C., Dang-Nguyen, D. IEEE Access, 2023. PDF
  11. Research directions in recommender systems for health and well-being. Hauptmann, H., Said, A., Trattner, C. 2022, UMUAI, 2022. PDF
  12. Considering Temporal Aspects in Recommender Systems: A Survey. Bogina, V., Kuflik, T., Jannach, D., Bielikova, M., Kompan, M. and Trattner, C., UMUAI, 2022. PDF
  13. Developing and Evaluating a University Recommender System. Elahi, M., Starke, A. D., El Ioini, N., Lambrix, A. A., & Trattner, C., Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2022. PDF
  14. Responsible media technology and AI: challenges and research directions. Trattner, C., Jannach, D., Motta, E., Costera Meijer, I., Diakopoulos, N., Elahi, M., Opdahl, A. L. Tessem, B., Borch, N., Fjeld, M., Øvrelid, L., De Smedt, K. and Moe, H. AI & Ethics, Springer Nature. 2021. PDF
  15. Towards Responsible Media Recommendation. Elahi, M., Jannach, D., Skjærven, L., Knudsen, E., Sjøvaag, H., Tolonen, K., Holmstad, Ø., Pipkin, I., Throndsen, E., Stenbom, A., Fiskerud, E., Oesch, A., Vredenberg, L. and Trattner, C. AI & Ethics, Springer Nature. 2021. PDF
  16. A day at the races: using best arm identification algorithms to reduce the cost of information retrieval user studies. Losada, D., Elsweiler, D., Harvey, M. and Trattner, C. Applied Intelligence. 2021. PDF
  17. Nudging Health Choices in Food Search Through Visual Attractiveness. Starke, A.D., Willemsen, M.C. and Trattner, C. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. 2021. PDF
  18. Using Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence to explore the nutrition and sustainability of recipes and food. Van Erp, M., Reynolds, C., Maynard, D., Starke, A., Ibáñez Martín, R., Andres, F., Leite, M.C.A., Alvarez de Toledo, D., Schmidt Rivera, X., Trattner, C. and Brewer, S. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. 2021 PDF
  19. Recommender Systems in the Healthcare Domain: State-of-the-Art and Research Issues. Tran, T.N.T, Felfernig, A., Trattner, C. and Holzinger, A. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. 2020. [Thomson Reuters IF: 1.8] PDF
  20. Visual Cultural Biases in Food Classification. Zhang, Q., Elsweiler,D. and Trattner, C. Foods. 2020. [Thomson Reuters IF: 3.1] PDF
  21. Learning to Recommend Similar Items from Human Judgements. Trattner, C. and Jannach, D. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction Journal. 2019. [Thomson Reuters IF: 3.4] PDF DATA
  22. What online data say about eating habits. Trattner, C. and Elsweiler, D. NATURE Sustainability, 2019. PDF
  23. Investigating and Predicting Online Food Recipe Upload Behavior. Trattner, C., Kusmierczyk, T. and Norvag, K. Information Processing and Management. 2019. [Thomson Reuters IF: 3.444] PDF
  24. The Roadmap to User-Controllable Social Exploratory Search. di Sciascio, C., Brusilovsky, P., Trattner, C. and Veas, E. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems. 2019. [Scopus SJR: 0.69 - Q1 in Human Computer Interaction] PDF
  25. Tag-Based Information Access in Image Collections: Insights from Log and Eye-Gaze Analyses. Lin, Y., Parra, D., Trattner, C. and Brusilovsky, P. Knowledge and Information Systems. 2019. [Thomson Reuters IF: 2.247] PDF
  26. Content-based artwork recommendation: integrating painting metadata with neural and manually-engineered visual features. Messina, P., Dominguez, V., Parra, D., Trattner, C. and Soto, A. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction Journal. 2018. [Thomson Reuters IF: 2.808] PDF
  27. Predicting Trading Interactions in an Online Marketplace through Location-Based and Online Social Networks. Eberhard, L., Trattner, C. and Atzmueller, M. Information Retrieval Journal, 2018. [Thomson Reuters IF: 1.488] PDF
  28. On the Predictability of the Popularity of Online Recipes. Trattner, C., Moesslang, D. and Elsweiler, D. EPJ Data Science, 2018. [Thomson Reuters IF: 2.982] PDF
  29. Investigating the utility of the weather context for point of interest recommendations. Trattner, C., Oberegger, A., Marinho, L. and Parra, D. Information Technology & Tourism, 2018. [Scopus SJR: 0.54 - Q1 Computer Science] PDF
  30. Monitoring obesity prevalence in the United States through bookmarking activities in online food portals. Trattner, C., Parra, D. and Elsweiler, D. PLOS ONE 12(6), 2017. [Thomson Reuters IF: 2.766] PDF
  31. Estimating the Healthiness of Internet Recipes: A Cross-Sectional Study. Trattner, C. Elsweiler, D. and Simon, H. Frontiers in Public Health, 2017. [Thomson Reuters IF: 2.031, Scopus SJR: 0.77 - Q2 in Public Health] PDF
  32. VizRec: Recommending Personalized Visualizations. Mutlu, B., Veas, E. and Trattner, C. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS), Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016. [Scopus SJR: 0.69 - Q1 in HCI] PDF
  33. Modeling Activation Processes in Human Memory to Predict the Use of Tags in Social Bookmarking Systems. Trattner, C., Kowald, D., Seitlinger, P., Kopeinik, S. and Ley, T. The Journal of Web Science (JWS), Volume 2, Issue 1, 2016. PDF
  34. Twitter in Academic Events: A Study of Temporal Usage, Communication, Sentimental and Topical Patterns in 16 Computer Science Conferences. Parra, D., Trattner, C., Gómez, D., Hurtado, M., Wen, X., & Lin, Y. R. Computer Communications Journal (COMCOM), Volume 73, Part B, 2016. [Thomson Reuters IF: 2.613] PDF
  35. The Impact of Image Descriptions on User Tagging Behavior: A Study of the Nature and Functionality of Crowdsourced Tags. Lin, Y., Trattner, C., Brusilovsky, P. and He, D. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 2015. [Thomson Reuters IF: 2.835] PDF
  36. Detecting Partnership in Online and Location-based Social Networks. Trattner, C. and Steurer, M. Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM), Volume 5, Issue 32, 2015. [Scopus SJR: 0.33 - Q1 in Media Technology] PDF
  37. Scaling informal learning at the workplace: a model and four designs from a large-scale design-based research effort. Ley, T., Cook, J., Dennerlein, S., Kravcik, M., Kunzmann, C., Pata, K., Purma, J., Sandars, J., Santos, P., Schmidt, A., Al-Smadi, M. and Trattner, C. British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET), Volume 45, Issue 6, 2014. [Thomson Reuters IF: 2.729] PDF
  38. Social Stream Marketing on Facebook: A Case Study. Trattner, C., Kappe, F. International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2013. PDF
  39. Improving the Navigability of Tagging Systems with Hierarchically Constructed Resource Lists and Tag Trails. Trattner, C. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, Volume 19, Issue 3, 2011. PDF
  40. On the Construction of Efficiently Navigable Tag Clouds Using Knowledge From Structured Web Content. Trattner, C., Helic, D. and Strohmaier, M. Journal of Universal Computer Science, Volume 17, Issue 4, 2011. [Thomson Reuters IF: 1.066] PDF
  41. Linking Related Content in Web Encyclopedias with search query tag clouds. Trattner, C. International Journal on WWW/Internet, Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011. PDF
  42. Are Tag Clouds Useful for Navigation? A Network-Theoretic Analysis. Helic, D., Trattner, C., Strohmaier, M. and Andrews, K. Journal of Social Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2011. PDF

International Conference Papers (peer-reviewed)

  1. Evaluating Sequential Recommendations in the Wild: A Case Study on Offline Accuracy, Click Rates, and Consumption. Klimashevskaia, A., Alvsvåg, S., Trattner, C., Starke, A., Tessem, A., and Jannach, D. Springer, ECIR, 2025. PDF
  2. Shaping the Future of Content-based News Recommenders: Insights from Evaluating Feature-Specific Similarity Metrics. Rosnes, D. Starke, A. & Trattner, C. ACM UMAP 2024, 2024. PDF
  3. Incorporating Editorial Feedback in the Evaluation of News Recommender Systems. Mahmood, B. Elahi, M., Touileb, S., Steskal, L. & Trattner, C. ACM UMAP 2024 LBR, 2024. PDF
  4. Evaluating The Effects of Calibrated Popularity Bias Mitigation: A Field Study. Klimashevskaia, A., Elahi, M., Jannach, D., Sjærven, L., Tessem, A. & Trattner, C. ACM Recsys 2023 LBR, 2023. PDF
  5. Designing for Control in Nurse-AI Collaboration During Emergency Medical Calls. Berge, A., Guribye, F., Schmidt Fotland, S., Fonnes, G., Hjulstad Johansen, I., Trattner, C. ACM DIS 2023. Best Paper Award Honorable Mention PDF
  6. Addressing Popularity Bias in Recommender Systems: An Exploration of Self-Supervised Learning Models. Klimashevskaia, A., Elahi, M., Trattner, C. ACM UMAP 2023. PDF
  7. Nudging Towards Health? Examining the Merits of Nutrition Labels and Personalization in a Recipe Recommender System. El Majjodi, A., Starke, A. & Trattner, C., ACM UMAP, 2022. PDF
  8. Serving Each User: Supporting Different Eating Goals Through a Multi-List Recommender Interface. Starke, A., Asotic, E. and Trattner, C. 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys'21). 2021. PDF
  9. Videos in Cold Start with Automatic Visual Tags Elahi, M., Moghaddam, F., Hoseini, R., Rimaz, M., Ioini, N.E., Tkalcic, M., Trattner, C. and Tillo, T. 29th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP '21). 2021. PDF DATA
  10. Exploring the Effects of Natural Language Justifications on Food Recommender Systems. Musto, C., Starke, A., Trattner, C., Rapp, A. and Semeraro, G. 29th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP '21). 2021. PDF
  11. Exploring Multi-List User Interfaces for Similar-Item Recommendations. Jannach, D., Jesse, M., Jugovac, M. and Trattner, C. 29th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP '21). 2021. PDF
  12. Visually-Aware Video Recommendation in the Cold Start . Elahi, M., Hosseini, R., Rimaz, M.H., Bakhshandegan Moghaddam, F., and Trattner, C., Proccedings of the ACM Hypertext 2020 (HT'20). PDF
  13. Towards Generating Personalized Country Recommendation. EL Majjodi, A., Elahi, M., EL Ioini, N. and Trattner, C. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 28th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP'20). PDF
  14. Towards a Knowledge-aware Food Recommender System Exploiting Holistic User Models. Musto, C., Trattner C., Starke, A. and Semeraro, G. In Proceedings of ACM UMAP, 2020. PDF
  15. Identifying Cross-Cultural Visual Food Tastes with Online Recipe Platforms. Zhang, Q., Trattner, C., Elsweiler, D. and Ludwig, B. In Proceedings of the 11th International AAAI conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2019. [acceptance rate: 19%] PDF
  16. Exploring the Power of Visual Features for Recommendation of Movies. Rimaz H., M., Elahi, M., Moghadam B., F., Trattner, C., Hosseini, R. and Tkalčič, M. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on User Modeling and Personalisation (UMAP), 2019. [acceptance rate: 24%] PDF
  17. The Impact of Recipe Features, Social Cues and Demographics on Estimating the Healthiness of Online Recipes. Rocicki, M.*, Trattner, C.* and Herder, E. (* equal contribution). In Proceedings of the 12th International AAAI conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2018. [acceptance rate: 16%] PDF
  18. How Editorial, Temporal and Social Biases Affect Online Food Popularity and Appreciation. Rocicki, M., Herder, E. and Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the 11th International AAAI conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2017. [acceptance rate: 14%] PDF
  19. On the Relations Between Cooking Interests, Hobbies and Nutritional Values of Online Recipes: Implications for Health-Aware Recipe Recommender Systems. Trattner, C., Rocicki, M. and Herder, E.. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on User Modeling and Personalisation (UMAP), 2017. [acceptance rate: 27%] PDF
  20. Exploiting Food Choice Biases for Healthier Recipe Recommendation. Elsweiler, D.*, Trattner, C.* and Harvey, M. (* equal contribution). In Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR), 2017. [acceptance rate: 22%] PDF
  21. Towards Health (Aware) Recommender Systems. Schaefer, H., Hors-Fraile, S. Karumur, R., Calero Valdez, A., Torkamaan, H., Ulmer, T., Said, A. and C. Trattner. In Proceedings of the ACM Digital Health Conference (DH), 2017. PDF
  22. Tags, Titles or Q&As? Choosing Content Descriptors for Visual Recommender Systems. Mutlu, B., Veas, E. and Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (Hypertext), 2017. [acceptance rate: 28%] PDF
  23. Investigating the Healthiness of Internet-Sourced Recipes: Implications for Meal Planning and Recommender Systems. Trattner, C. and Elsweiler, D. In Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference (WWW), 2017. [acceptance rate: 17%] Best Paper Award Honorable Mention PDF
  24. Plate and Prejudice: Gender Differences in Online Cooking. Rocicki, M., Herder, E., Kusmierczyk, T. and Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the International Conference on User Modeling and Personalisation (UMAP), 2016. [acceptance rate: 24%] PDF
  25. Understanding and Predicting Online Food Production Patterns. Kusmierczyk, T., Trattner, C. and Norvag, K. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (Hypertext), 2016. [acceptance rate: 30%] PDF
  26. Using the Hybrid Social Learning Network to Explore Concepts, Practices, Designs and Smart Services for Networked Professional Learning. Cook, J., Ley T., Maier, R., Y., Santos, P., Lex, E., Dennerlein, S., Trattner, C. and Holley, D. In State-of-the-Art and Future Directions of Smart Learning, Springer. pp 123-129, 2015. PDF
  27. Are Real-World Place Recommender Algorithms Useful in Virtual World Environments?. Marinho, L., Trattner, C. and Parra, D. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys), 2015. [acceptance rate: 21%] PDF
  28. Language, Twitter and Academic Conferences. Garcia, R., Gomez, D., Parra, D., Trattner, C., Kaltenbrunner, A. and Graells-Garrido, E. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (Hypertext), 2015. PDF
  29. Good Times Bad Times: A Study on Recency Effects in Collaborative Filtering for Social Tagging. Larrain, S., Trattner, C., Parra, D, Graells-Garrido, E. and Norvag, K. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys), 2015. [acceptance rate: 21%] PDF
  30. Towards a Recommender Engine for Personalized Visualizations. Mutlu, B., Veas, E., Trattner, C and Sabol, V. In Proceedings of the International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP), 2015. PDF
  31. Temporality in Online Food Recipe Consumption and Production. Kusmierczyk, T., Trattner, C. and Norvag, K. In Proceedings of the International Conference on World Wide Web Companion (WWW) Companion, 2015. (Poster) PDF
  32. VizRec: A Two-Stage Recommender System for Personalized Visualizations. Mutlu, B., Veas, E., Trattner, C. and Sabol, V. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) Companion, 2015. PDF
  33. Twitter in Academic Conferences: Usage, Networking and Participation over Time. Wen, X., Lin, Y., Trattner, C. and Parra, D. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (Hypertext), 2014. PDF
  34. TagRec: Towards A Standardized Tag Recommender Benchmarking Framework. Kowald, D., Lacic, E., Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (Hypertext), 2014. (Poster) Best Poster Award PDF
  35. SocRecM: A Scalable Social Recommender Engine for Online Marketplaces. Lacic, E., Kowald, D., Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (Hypertext), 2014. (Poster) PDF
  36. Who will Trade with Whom? Predicting Buyer-Seller Interactions in Online Trading Platforms through Social Networks. Trattner, C., Parra, D., Eberhard, L. and Wen, X. In Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference (WWW) Companion, 2014. (Poster) PDF
  37. How groups of people interact with each other on Twitter during academic conferences. Wen,X., Parra, D. and Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) Companion, 2014. PDF
  38. Long Time No See: The Probability of Reusing Tags as a Function of Frequency and Recency. Kowald, D., Seitlinger, P., Trattner, C. and Ley, T. In Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference (WWW) Companion, 2014. Among the Best Papers PDF
  39. User Controllability in an Hybrid Talk Recommender System. Parra, D., Brusilovsky, P. and Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the ACM 2014 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), 2014. PDF
  40. Making sense of bits and pieces: A sensemaking tool for informal workplace learning. Dennerlein, S., Rella, M., Tomberg, V., Theiler, D., Treasure-Jones, T., Kerr, M., Ley, T., Al-Smadi, M., and Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL), 2014. PDF
  41. Recommending Tags with a Model of Human Categorization. Seitinger, P., Kowald, D., Trattner, C. and Ley, T. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2013. [acceptance rate: 17%] PDF
  42. Acquaintance or Partner? Predicting Partnership in Online and Location-based Social Networks. Steurer, M. and Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2013. [acceptance rate: 13%] Among the Best Papers PDF
  43. Predicting Social Interactions from Different Sources of Location-based Knowledge. Steurer, M., Trattner, C. and Helic, D. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Eco-Informatics (SOTICS), 2013. Best Paper Award PDF
  44. Head Start: Improving Academic Literature Search with Overview Visualizations based on Readership Statistics. Kraker, P., Jack, K., Schloegl, C., Trattner, C. and Lindstaedt, S. In Proceedings of the ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci), 2013. (Poster) Best Poster Award PDF
  45. The Social Semantic Server - A Framework to Provide Services on Social Semantic Network Data. Kowald, M., Dennerlein, S., Dieter, T., Walk, S. and Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the I-Semantics Conference, 2013. PDF
  46. Exploring the Differences and Similarities of Hierarchical Decentralized Search and Human Navigation in Information-networks. Trattner, C., Singer, P., Helic, D. and Strohmaier, M. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies (I-Know), 2012. Best Paper Award PDF
  47. Evaluating Tag-Based Information Access in Image Collections. Trattner, C., Lin, Y., Parra, D., Yue, Z., Brusilovsky, P. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (Hypertext), 2012. [acceptance rate: 28%] Best Paper Nomination PDF
  48. Navigational efficiency of broad vs. narrow folksonomies. Helic, D., Körner, C., Granitzer, M., Strohmaier, M., Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (Hypertext), 2012. [acceptance rate: 28%] PDF
  49. Pragmatic Evaluation of Folksonomies. Helic, D., Strohmaier, M., Trattner, C., Muhr M. and Lermann, K. In Proceedings of the International conference on World Wide Web (WWW), 2011. [acceptance rate: 12%] PDF
  50. Improving the Navigability of Tagging Systems with Hierarchically Constructed Resource Lists: A Comparative Study. Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI), 2011. Young Scholar Best Paper Award PDF
  51. Enhancing the Navigability of Social Tagging Systems with Tag Taxonomies. Trattner, C., Körner, C., Helic, D. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies (I-Know), 2011. PDF
  52. Social Media Marketing with Facebook: A Case Study. Trattner, C., Kappe, F. In Proceedings of the International Conference on WWW/Internet, 2011.
  53. NAVTAG - A Network-Theoretic Framework to Assess and Improve the Navigability of Tagging Systems. Trattner, C. In proceedings of the International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE), 2011. (Poster) PDF
  54. QUERYCLOUD: Automatically Linking Related Documents Via Search Query (Tag) Clouds. Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the International Conference WWW/Internet, 2010.
  55. On the Navigability of Social Tagging Systems. Helic, D., Trattner, C., Strohmaier, M., Andrews, K. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom), 2010. [acceptance rate: 13%] Best Paper Nomination PDF
  56. Improving Navigability of Hierarchically-Structured Encyclopedias through Effective Tag Cloud Construction. Trattner, C., Helic, D., Strohmaier, M. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies (I-Know), 2010.
  57. Enriching Tagging Systems with Google Query Tags. Trattner, C., Helic, D., Maglajlic, S. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI), 2010. PDF
  58. Socializing Virtual Worlds with Facebook - A prototypical implementation of an expansion pack to communicate between Facebook and OpenSimulator based Virtual Worlds. Trattner, C., Steurer, M., Kappe, F. In Proceedings of the Academic MindTrek Conference (MindTrek), 2010. PDF
  59. The Austrian way of Wiki(pedia)! - Development of a Structured Wiki-based Encyclopedia within a Local Austrian Context. Trattner, C., Hasani, I., Helic, D., Leitner, H. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration (Wikisym), 2010. PDF
  60. Click, Click --- and an educational presentation is available on the Web. Trattner, C., Helic, D., Korica-Pehserl, P., Maurer, H. In Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-Media), 2010. PDF
  61. Using Wiki for Rapid Authoring of Huge Numbers of E-Assessments. Hasani, I., Portsch C., Trattner, C., Kacjan, B., Helic, D., Maurer, H. In Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-Media), 2010. PDF
  62. Social Networks and eLearning: New Model for Learning at Workplace. Maglajlic, S., Helic, D., Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI), 2010. PDF
  63. Linking Related Documents: Combining Tag Clouds and Search Queries. Trattner, C., Helic, D. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Engineering, Springer (ICWE), 2010. PDF
  64. Extending the Basic Tagging Model: Context Aware Tagging. Trattner, C., Helic, D. In Proceedings of the International Conference WWW/Internet, 2009. PDF

International Workshop Papers (peer-reviewed)

  1. Empowering Editors: How Automated Recommendations Support Editorial Article Curation. Klimashevskaia, A., Elahi, M., Jannach, D., Trattner, C. & Buodd, S. INRA Workshop at ACM Recsys 2024, 2024. PDF
  2. Negativity Sells? Using an LLM to Affectively Reframe News Articles in a Recommender System. Jeng, J., Kasangu, G., Starke, A., Knudsen, E. & Trattner, C. HealthRecsys Workshop at ACM Recsys 2024, 2024. PDF
  3. Advancing Visual Food Attractiveness Predictions for Healthy Food Recommender Systems. El Majjodi, A., Khan, S., Starke, A., Elahi, M. & Trattner, C. INRA Workshop at ACM Recsys 2024, 2024. PDF
  4. Perception versus Reality: Evaluating User Awareness of Political Selective Exposure in News Recommender Systems. Starke, A., Sandvik, A., Knudsen, E., Trilling, D. & Trattner, C. ACM UMAP 2024 Workshops, 2024. PDF
  5. Emotional Reframing of Economic News using a Large Language Model Conference. Jeng, J., Kasangu, G., Starke, A. & Trattner, C. ACM UMAP 2024 Workshops, 2024. PDF
  6. The Interplay between Food Knowledge, Nudges, and Preference Elicitation Methods Determines the Evaluation of a Recipe Recommender System. El Majjodi, A., Starke, A., Elahi, M. & Trattner, C., INTRS workshop at ACM RecSys 2023, 2023. PDF
  7. Topical Preference Trumps Other Features in News Recommendation: A Conjoint Analysis on a Representative Sample from Norway. Knudsen, E., Starke, A. & Trattner, C. INRA workshop at ACM RecSys 2023, 2023. PDF
  8. Understanding How News Recommender Systems Influence Selective Exposure. Seddik, K., Knudsen, E., Trilling, D. & Trattner, C. BehavRec workshop at ACM RecSys 2023, 2023. PDF
  9. Towards Attitudinal Change in News Recommender Systems: A Pilot Study on Climate Change. Jeng, H. J., Starke, A., Trattner, C. Persuasion AI workshop at Persuasive 2023, 2023. PDF
  10. Mitigating Popularity Bias in Recommendation: Potential and Limits of Calibration Approaches. Klimashevskaia, A., Elahi, M., Jannach, D., Trattner, C., Skjaerven, S. BIAS 2022: Advances in Bias and Fairness in Information Retrieval, Springer, Cham, 1610, 2022, S. 82 - 90. PDF
  11. Boosting Health? Examining the Role of Nutrition Labels and Preference Elicitation Methods in Food Recommendation. Starke, A.,el Majjodi, A., Trattner, C. INTRS Workshop held at ACM RecSys'22. 2022. PDF
  12. Nudging Towards Health in a Conversational Food Recommender System Using Multi-Modal Interactions and Nutrition Labels. Castiglia, G., El Majjodi, A., Calò, F., Deldjoo, Y., Narducci, L, Starke, A., Trattner, C. KARS workshop held at ACM RecSys'22. 2022. PDF
  13. Hybrid Recommendation of Movies based on Deep Content Features. Kvifte, T., Elahi, M., Trattner, C. ICSOC 2021 Workshops. 2022. PDF
  14. Predicting Feature-based Similarity in the News Domain Using Human Judgments. Starke, A., Øverhaug L. and Trattner, C. 9th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2021) held at RecSys'21. 2021. PDF
  15. The Cholesterol Factor: Balancing Accuracy and Health in Recipe Recommendation Through a Nutrient-Specific Metric. Starke, A., Trattner, C., Bakken, H., Johannessen, M. and Solberg, V. Workshop on Multi-Objective Recommender Systems (MORS) held at RecSys'21. PDF
  16. Promoting Healthy Food Choices Online: A Case for Multi-list Recommender Systems. Starke, A.D., & Trattner, C. In: HEALTHI’21: Joint Proceedings of ACM IUI 2021 Workshops. 2021. PDF
  17. Changing Salty Food Preferences with Visual and Textual Explanations in a Search Interface. Berge, A., Velle Sjøen, V., Starke, A.D., & Trattner, C. In: HEALTHI’21: Joint Proceedings of ACM IUI 2021 Workshops. 2021. PDF
  18. An Evaluation of Recommendation Algorithms for Online Recipe Portals. Trattner, C. and Elsweiler, D. In Proceedings of the HealthRecSys workshop co-located with ACM RecSys, 2019. PDF
  19. Predicting Movie Popularity and Ratings with Visual Features. Moghaddam, F. B., Elahi, M., Hosseini, R., Trattner, C. and Tkalcic, M. In Proceedings of the SMAP workshop co-located with ACM UMAP. 2019. PDF
  20. Healthy Menus Recommendation: Optimizing the Use of the Pantry. Emanuel, J., Oliveira, R., Marinho, L. and Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the HealthRecSys workshop co-located with ACM RecSys, 2018. PDF
  21. Towards Explanations for Visual Recommender Systems of Artistic Images. Dominguez, V., Messina, P., Trattner, C. and Parra, D. In Proceedings of the INTRS workshop co-located with ACM RecSys, 2018. PDF
  22. TCNSVD: A Temporal and Community-Aware Recommender Approach. Shahriari, M., Barth, M., Klamma, R. and Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the Temporal RecSys workshop held at ACM RecSys, 2017. PDF
  23. Comparing Neural and Attractiveness-based Visual Features for Artwork Recommendation. Dominguez, V., Messina, P., Parra, D., Mery, D., Trattner, C. and Soto, A. In Proceedings of the Deep Learning RecSys workshop held at ACM RecSys, 2017. PDF
  24. Understanding the Impact of Weather for POI Recommendations. Trattner, C., Oberegger, A., Eberhard, L., Parra, D. and Marinho, L. In Proceedings of the ACM RecSys Workshop on Recommenders in Tourism (RecTour), 2016. PDF
  25. Recommending Sellers to Buyers in Virtual Marketplaces Leveraging Social Information. Eberhard, L. and Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM'16) held at ACM World Wide Web Conference (WWW'16), 2016. PDF
  26. Temporal Patterns in Online Food Innovation. Kusmierczyk, T., Trattner, C and Norvag, K. In Proceedings of the 5th Temporal Web Analytics Workshop (TempWeb'15) held at the ACM World Wide Web Conference (WWW'15), 2015. PDF
  27. Recommending Items in Social Tagging Systems Using Tag and Time Information. Lacic, E., Kowald, D., Seitlinger, P., Trattner, C. and Parra, D. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Social Personalisation co-located with the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (Hypertext), 2014. PDF
  28. Towards a Scalable Social Recommender Engine for Online Marketplaces: The Case of Apache Solr. Lacic, E., Kowald, D., Parra, D., Kahr, M. and Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the 5th Social Recommender Workshop (SRS'14) held at the ACM Word Wide Web Conference (WWW'14) companion, 2014. PDF
  29. Predicting Interactions In Online Social Networks: An Experiment in Second Life.Steurer, M. and Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Modeling Social Media co-located with the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (Hypertext), 2013. PDF
  30. Success Factors of Events in Virtual Worlds: A Case Study in Second Life. Steurer, M., Trattner, C. and Kappe, F. Success Factors of Events in Virtual Worlds A Case Study in Second Life. In Proceedings of the 11th Annual Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games (NetGames'12), 2012. PDF
  31. Creating Dynamic Wiki Pages with Section-Tagging.Helic, D., Us Saeed, A., Trattner, C. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on New Forms of Xanalogical Storage and Function co-located with the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (Hypertext), 2009. PDF

Book Chapters (peer-reviewed)

  1. Food Recommender Systems. Elsweiler, D., Hauptmann, H. & Trattner, C., Recommender Systems Handbook, 2022. PDF
  2. Food Recommender Systems: Important Contributions, Challenges and Future Research Directions. Trattner, C. and Elsweiler, D. Collaborative Recommendations: Algorithms, Practical Challenges and Applications, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2018. PDF
  3. Evaluating Group Recommender Systems. Trattner, C., Said, A., Boratto, L. and Felfernig, A. Group Recommender Systems: An Introduction, Springer, 2018. PDF
  4. Tag Clouds v2. Trattner, C., Helic, D., Strohmaier, M. Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2018. PDF
  5. Refining Frequency-Based Tag Reuse Predictions by Means of Time and Semantic Context. Kowald, D., Kopeinik, S., Seitlinger, P., Ley, T., Albert, D. and Trattner, C. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 8940, 2015. PDF
  6. Utilizing Online Social Network and Location-Based Data to Recommend Items in an Online Marketplace. Lacic, E., Kowald, D., Eberhard, L., Trattner, C., Parra, D. and Marinho, L. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 8940, 2015. PDF
  7. Forgetting the Words but Remembering the Meaning: Modeling Forgetting in a Verbal and Semantic Tag Recommender. Kowald, D., Seitlinger, P., Trattner, C. and Ley, T. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 8940, 2015. PDF
  8. Tag Clouds. Trattner, C., Helic, D., Strohmaier, M. Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2014. PDF
  9. Who will Interact with Whom? A Case-Study in Second Life using Online and Location-based Social Network Features to Predict Interactions between Users. Steurer, M. and Trattner, C. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2013. PDF

Books as Editor

  1. Behavioral Analytics in Social and Ubiquitous Environments. Atzmueller, M., Chin, A., Lemmerich, F. and Trattner, C. (Eds.). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2020. PDF
  2. Big Data Analytics in the Social and Ubiquitous Context. Atzmueller, M., Chin, A., Janssen, F., Schweizer, I. and Trattner, C. (Eds.). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2016. PDF
  3. Mining, Modeling, and Recommendation in Ubiquitous Social Media. Atzmueller, M., Chin, A. and Trattner, C. (Eds.). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2015. PDF

International Conference Proceedings & Workshops as Editor

  1. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Behavior Change and Persuasive Recommender Systems co-located with the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2023). Rapp, A., Trattner, C., Vassileva, J., Cena, F., Orji, R., Starke, A. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3544, 2023. PDF
  2. Proceedings (Part 1) of the MultiMedia Modeling - 29th International Conference, MMM 2023. Dang-Nguyen, D., Gurrin, C., Larson, M. A., Smeaton, A. F., Rudinac, S., Dao, M., Trattner, C., Chen, P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13833, Springer 2023. PDF
  3. Proceedings (Part 2) of the MultiMedia Modeling - 29th International Conference, MMM 2023. Dang-Nguyen, D., Gurrin, C., Larson, M. A., Smeaton, A. F., Rudinac, S., Dao, M., Trattner, C., Chen, P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13833, Springer 2023. PDF
  4. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM'19) at the 28th ACM World Wide Web (WWW'19) Conference. Atzmueller, M., Chin, A., Trattner, C. (Eds.). ACM, 2019.
  5. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Health Recommender Systems at the ACM RecSys'19 Conference. Elsweiler, D., Ludwig, B., Said, A., Schaefer, H. and Trattner, C. (Eds.). CEUR-WS, 2019. PDF
  6. Joint Proceedings of the ACM IUI 2019 Workshops. Trattner, C., Parra, D. and Riche, N. (Eds.). CEUR-WS, 2019. PDF
  7. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Health Recommender Systems at the ACM RecSys'18 Conference. Elsweiler, D., Ludwig, B., Said, A., Schaefer, H. and Trattner, C. (Eds.). CEUR-WS, 2018. PDF
  8. Proceedings of the Posters and Late-Breaking Results at the ACM RecSys'18 Conference. Trattner, C., Murdock, V., and Chang, S. (Eds.). ACM, 2018. PDF
  9. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM'18) at the 27th ACM World Wide Web (WWW'18) Conference. Atzmueller, M., Chin, A., Trattner, C. (Eds.). ACM, 2018. PDF
  10. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM'17) at the 26th ACM World Wide Web (WWW'17) Conference. Atzmueller, M., Chin, A., Trattner, C., Li, J. and Berkovsky, S. (Eds.). ACM, 2017. PDF
  11. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Health Recommender Systems at the ACM RecSys'17 Conference. Elsweiler, D., Ludwig, B., Said, A., Schaefer, H. and Trattner, C. (Eds.). CEUR-WS, 2017. PDF
  12. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM'16) at the 25th ACM World Wide Web (WWW'16) Conference. Atzmueller, M., Chin, A. and Trattner, C. (Eds.). ACM, 2016. PDF
  13. Proceedings of the Workshop Engendering Health with Recommender Systems at the ACM RecSys'16 Conference. Elsweiler, D., Ludwig, B., Said, A., Schaefer, H. Trattner, C. ACM, 2016. PDF
  14. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Social Personalization and Search (SPS'15) at the ACM SIGIR 2015 Conference. Trattner, C., Parra, D., Brusilovsky, P. and Marinho, L. (Eds.). CEUR-WS, 2015. PDF
  15. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM'15) at the 24th ACM World Wide Web (WWW'15) Conference. Atzmueller, M., Chin, A. and Trattner, C. (Eds.). ACM, 2015. PDF
  16. Hypertext 2014 Extended Proceedings: Late-breaking Results, Doctoral Consortium and Workshop Proceedings of the 25th ACM Hypertext and Social Media (HT'14) conference. Cena, F., da Silva, A. and Trattner, C. (Eds.). CEUR-WS, 2014. PDF
  17. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Social Personalization at the 25th ACM Hypertext and Social Media (HT'14) Conference. Brusilovsky, P., Marinho, L., Parra, D., Scheihing, E. and Trattner, C. (Eds.). CEUR-WS, 2014. PDF
  18. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM'14) at the 23rd ACM World Wide Web (WWW'14) Conference. Atzmueller, M., Chin, A. and Trattner, C. (Eds.). ACM. 2014. PDF
  19. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on UMAP Project Synergy at the 22nd Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP'14). Dhakar, D., Brdiczka, O. and Trattner, C. (Eds.). CEUR-WS, 2014. PDF
  20. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media at the 25th ACM Hypertext (HT'13) Conference. Atzmueller, M., Chin, A. and Trattner, C. (Eds.). ACM, 2013. PDF

National Symposia/Conferences/Workshops (peer-reviewed)

  1. Towards a Big Data Platform for News Angles. Ocana, M., Opdahl, A., Nyre, L., Tessem, B., Trattner, C. and Veres, C. In Proceedings of Norwegian Big Data Symposium (NOBIDS). 2018.


  1. FOODWEB – Studying Food Consumption and Production Patterns on the Web.Trattner, C., Kusmierczyk, T., Norvag, K. ERCIM NEWS (104), 2016. PDF
  2. Report on the SIGIR 2015 Workshop on Social Personalization and Search. Trattner, C., Parra, D., Brusilovsky, P. and Marinho, L. SIGIR Forum, Volume 49, Issue 2, 102-106, 2015. PDF
  3. TagRec: Towards a Toolkit for Reproducible Evaluation and Development of Tag-Based Recommender Algorithms. Trattner, C., Kowald, D. and Lacic, E. ACM SIGWEB Newsletter, 2015. PDF
  4. The 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT2013): A Personal Review. Trattner, C. ACM SIGWEB Newsletter, 2013. PDF

PhD & MSc Thesis

  1. On the Navigability of Social Tagging Systems. Trattner, C. PhD Thesis, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, 2012. [defended with honors]
  2. From Austria-Forum to the Wiki Concept. Trattner, C. MSc Thesis, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, 2009. [defended with honors]

Copyright © 2025 Christoph Trattner (Last updated: Jan 18th, 2025)